Pickleball Mixer Fundraiser - - Benefit for the Gail Klock Memorial Scholarship at the Colorado School of Mines
See our Home Page to view the Entry Form. (Please let Betsy Anderson know of your interest and availability.)
What? - - a Pickleball “Mixer” Tournament - proceeds go toward the softball scholarship created after the passing f our beloved coach, Gail Klock
When? - - Friday, August 18, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where? - - Gates Tennis Center, 3300 E Bayaud Ave, Denver, CO 80209
Register: Venmo $35 to @Ann-Nob. In the memo, include your contact information and whether you rate your playing ability below 3.5 or above 3.5. (This event can only accommodate 32 participants, so get your payment sent today!)
[ Note: We’ll need help with publicizing this event, signing people up, registering participants, collecting donations, organizing the brackets, umpiring/scoring throughout the tournament, ideas for ‘prizes’, and more. ]